Raising pets is a delicate matter; Especially if you are new to the cat breeding journey, obtaining a cat meal schedule must be at the beginning of your interests.This is because cats at every age will need a special type of care from you, and the most prominent way to care for them is the proper diet that you must obtain so that they are not exposed to health problems, and so that they grow healthy and healthy، In the following article, we will learn together about the best food schedule for cat meals that you can get today, this table that helps you raise cats in a healthy way and help them grow in a safe way.
Cat meal schedule
We now offer you a cat meal schedule that you can rely on if you are new to the world of cat breeding:
From one to 7 days of age: At this stage, the cat must obtain its food from its mother.If this possibility does not exist, the cat must obtain an amount ranging from 2 to 6 liters, in an average amount every two hours, which is given to him gradually through a sterile medical syringe.
From the age of 7 to 14 days: During this stage, the cat should get an amount of milk ranging from 6 liters to 10 liters, as this meal is given from two to three hours.
Two to three weeks: At this stage, cats have grown a little; Therefore, their bodies need a larger amount of food, as the amount of milk increases and ranges from 10 liters to 14 liters every three to four hours.
Three to five weeks: This stage is divided into two parts; The first section is 3 to 4 weeks, here cats get 14 to 18 liters of milk with a meal every 4 to 6 hours, and the second section is 4 to 5 weeks.The amount of milk reaches 22 liters at a rate of one meal every 5 to 6 hours.
From 5 to 8 weeks: During this stage, cats need an abundant amount of milk, as well as gradually introducing wet foods into their diet.
Two to 6 months: At this stage, cats need to eat whole foods that contain healthy nutrients that do not cause allergies.You can get these foods simply through the petite store, which provides the best food products for cats of this age, as food must be provided to them every eight hours.At a rate of only three times a day.
7 months and above: The quality of food served to them is changed to that of adult cats, as food is served only twice a day in its entirety.
Cats simply need to pay attention to their healthy eating program in order to have a healthy growth journey, a journey that helps you gain more comfort in the process of raising them.
Number of cat meals per day
After we learned about the cat meal schedule; Now we will discuss how many cat meals a day are; In order to provide her with maximum daily care without harm.
Cats simply need to eat their meals 3 to 4 times a day until they reach the age of 6 months, while after that age the meals served to them must be reduced.So that you only get two meals throughout the day, with the need to change the quality of food and provide a quality that suits their age.Because cats have different nutritional needs at every age stage they go through.
What do kittens eat from home food?
Kittens aged 6 months and older can get the following foods:
Boiled eggs.
Boiled potatoes.
Dry food.
Dry food is considered one of the best foods you can offer your pet if you do not have enough time to cook.This food adds to the healthy elements that it lacks, and it also helps it have a healthy growth journey.
Meals for fattening cats
If you suffer from your pet being weak and weak; Here you should not rely on meals that are used to fatten humans; Because it may harm him and raise the level of cholesterol in his body; Rather, you must rely on meals rich in protein.Cats need an abundant amount of protein in order to grow healthy and ideal.You can rely on the best meals rich in protein, such as chicken, marine fish, and some types of meat، They are all protein-rich items that you can offer your pet; Provided it is not raw.
Ready cat food
The cat meal schedule should contain ready-made food (dry food), which you can buy simply through the petit store, so that we can learn together about the best dry foods that it provides to cats.
Dry food blouse for kittens with chicken
The percentage of protein in this healthy meal reaches 80%, and this is able to add protein to your pet’s daily diet in a smooth and healthy way.
This dry food has a delicious taste and distinctive smell that attracts cats to eat it on a daily basis.
This meal is completely natural and free of all kinds of artificial grains and harmful flavors and colors.
Applaoz's chicken meal for kittens is light on the digestive system.
You can now get the product through the following link "here".
Chicken Applaus Dry Food for Adult Cats
It contains a selection of the best healthy nutrients, those elements that provide it with the nutritional needs it needs throughout the day.
It contains a group of antioxidants and omega-3, as well as containing more natural elements that are important for the health of adult cats.
You can order the product now with the Petit store through the following link "here".
Let's start now.Get the complete cat meal schedule through the Petite store, and get the greatest amount of quality and savings at the same time!

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