Cat scratch disease is one of the diseases that cat breeders around the world worry about.Especially since this animal is a pet that uses its claws for everything; It can scratch while playing, attacking, hunting, picking up food, and other activities that it performs throughout the day، Therefore, through the following article, we will learn together about everything related to cat scratching and treating its consequences perfectly without leaving any kind of damage to the body.
Cat scratch disease
Some people may experience symptoms of cat scratch disease a few minutes immediately after being exposed to this scratch.This scratch can cause the appearance of:
Red hump: A red hump may appear; It is not painful on the skin and is not accompanied by any kind of discomfort, if this hump is completely superficial.
Physical symptoms: Cats may also cause the appearance of some physical symptoms, the most prominent of which are: General weakness, loss of appetite, headache, and high temperature.These symptoms appear when the scratch is deep, so it is recommended to obtain an antibiotic immediately so that this scratch does not cause further damage to the body.
Skin effects: This scratch may cause some skin effects; Its area varies depending on the area and amount of scratch caused by the pet.
If you do not want complications from cat scratch disease to occur, it is preferable to visit a doctor immediately to obtain the optimal serum, as this will be better for your health.
When is cat scratch disease dangerous?
Cat scratching can be dangerous in many cases; Perhaps the most prominent of these are the following cases:
Deep scratches: When cats stick their claws deep into the skin; This may be dangerous for the individual.He must obtain optimal treatment from a specialist doctor so that scratching does not cause further complications on the skin.
Patients with weak immunity: When a person is weak in immunity, deep scratches may cause him complications that differ from a normal person with strong or moderate immunity.Therefore, in this case, he must also visit a specialist doctor to obtain appropriate treatment.
Eye scratching: Cat scratching the eye may be dangerous because eye logic is one of the most sensitive areas of the body.This is why you should visit a doctor immediately to get the appropriate treatment.
In general, you must pay attention to public health and obtain preventive vitamins for this type of scratch, so as not to cause any harm to health in the future.
Cats scratching for children
Domestic cat breeders look for complications of cat scratch disease in young children; That's why we now learn about the most important first aid that should be provided to your child if he is exposed to cat scratches:
The place scratched by the cat should be washed very well to stop bleeding.
Then the necessary compresses are applied; To reduce the heat of this area, which is red after scratching.
The child can be given an age-appropriate type of painkiller without a prescription to relieve the pain that he may feel doubly if he is young.
It is best to visit a doctor immediately after scratches occur; This is so that he gets the necessary antibiotics and medical care to prevent the problem from getting worse.
When do cat scribble symptoms appear
When you are exposed to cat scribbling, you may wonder about the physical symptoms that may appear on you after the scratches occur.In fact, skin effects appear immediately or a day after the scratching process, and the pain you experience may disappear approximately three days after the scratching.
While internal physical effects may appear on a person for three to 10 days if he does not receive the ideal treatment, doctors always advise obtaining immediate treatment after scratching cats.So that this does not cause any other type of complications in the future.
Treat cat scratch disease quickly
Treatment of cat scratch disease is relied upon quickly in simple cases that require some topical antibiotics on the skin or mouth.These antibiotics are relied upon for the purpose of treatment and prevention of any other complications that may affect the person.
In difficult cases, treatment may take more than a week.This is done under the supervision of a specialist doctor to obtain more necessary medical care.
Does superficial cat scribbling cause rabies?
Many people worry about cat scratching disease, considering that it can cause rabies such as biting a dog.In fact, doctors have confirmed through recent scientific studies that deep cat scratching can have the same negative effects as biting a dog.Therefore, rabies serum must be obtained in all cases to be safe from the complications of these scratches and what they can cause to the body from the inside.
It is worth noting that some doctors have confirmed that scratching cats may lead to death.This is in cases of severe immunodeficiency or direct handling of the saliva of cats infected with the viral disease that causes danger to the person.
How to protect yourself from cat scratching?
In order to enjoy more prevention from cat scratching; You should follow the following guidelines that will give you greater protection:
Avoid playing with street cats or cats that have not received the necessary serums; Because you don't know if she has an infection or not.
It is preferable to avoid touching places that are exposed to cat saliva; Such as toys or daily food; All of this may lead to the possibility of you being exposed to many viral diseases.
If you are a cat breeder, you must maintain personal hygiene and clean the places where cats are constantly present.
Your pet must have all the necessary serums and vaccinations in order to be healthy and not affect you negatively.
With Petit you will be able to get the best cat and pet care products in general, so don't waste your chance and take advantage of the offers that the store is providing you now..

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