Have you noticed a change in your cat's behavior recently? Many cat breeders wonder how do I know that my cat is pregnant, perhaps after some different symptoms appear on it that may portend something new and different, and since this happy event is not ordinary; Its symptoms are also noticeable and unusual, so in order not to be confused about that, we have presented in the following lines the pregnancy symptoms that appear in cats during the early stages of their pregnancy، Which reveals to you that she is pregnant so that you can provide her with the necessary care.
How do I know that my cat is pregnant?
We now answer the most common question: How do I know that my cat is pregnant through the most important symptoms of pregnancy in cats:
Behavior changes: If your cat is very active and active; During pregnancy, you will notice that she has become calmer and more calm, and this is noticeably apparent in the first days of pregnancy.
Physiological changes: You will also notice the appearance of some physiological changes in the pregnant cat; Such as weight gain and breast size.
Nausea: Pregnant cats also feel nauseous; As a pregnant cat may suffer from nausea at the beginning of her pregnancy; Due to this major change that occurs inside her, which changes the condition of her digestive system.
Appetite disorder: You may notice that the cat has a disturbed appetite; Such as her appetite increasing or decreasing; Especially at the beginning of pregnancy.
Increased abdominal size: The size of the cat’s abdomen increases during pregnancy, and this happens gradually.
It is recommended to visit a veterinarian if there are doubts about the cat's pregnancy; In order to conduct the necessary examination and perform an ultrasound to confirm the presence of fetuses.
Duration of pregnancy for Persian cats
The gestation period of Persian cats ranges from 52 to 74 days, as Persian cats can give birth during this period, and this also applies to other cats whose average gestation period is 65 days. During this period, weekly or periodic follow-up must be done with the veterinarian to find out The date of birth and the necessary preparation for this important stage in your cat’s life.
How does a cat give birth?
After answering the question: How do I know that my cat is pregnant; The most important stages of childbirth that a cat goes through may come to mind; Let's get to know her together:
Before birth: During this stage, the cat cleans itself well, specifically cleaning the birth area; To be prepared for this stage.
During childbirth: At the beginning of the birth stage, you will notice that the cat is suffering from contractions, and her breathing can be irregular; This is normal and a pre-stage of actual birth, the cat begins giving birth one after another, with each birth lasting approximately between 15 minutes and 30 minutes.
After birth: After each birth, the cat will usually clean the newborn, to remove all wet places and dirt on its outer skin, while cutting the umbilical cord.
How to take care of a cat during pregnancy?
Caring for a cat during pregnancy is essential to maintaining its health and providing it with complete care, so you can take the following steps to help it enjoy good health:
Complete food: You must give your cat a complete food, which contains proteins and vitamins, as well as the minerals necessary to strengthen the mother and maintain the health of the fetuses.
Providing a calm environment: A pregnant cat needs to feel safe and reassured, so you must provide it with a calm environment and provide you with love and affection; To make her feel more safe and make her mental health better.
Taking care of her general health: She must strive to take care of her general health, such as cleaning her and styling her hair regularly, as well as providing her with all the amenities to be better.
Veterinary consultation: You should also obtain advice from a specialist veterinarian; To guide you to the appropriate care and necessary nutrition.
Preparing for birth: The cat needs some preparations before birth; Such as providing a designated box for childbirth, as well as providing clean towels, this is only what the cat needs before giving birth in order to feel more reassured and know where to place its kittens.
The best food for pregnant cats
Petit store provides the best foods for pregnant cats of the highest quality and the best competitive prices in the Kingdom, so let us review together the best foods for pregnant cats with Petite Store.
Josera Help is a dry food that supports the digestive health of cats
This dry food supports the health of cats' digestive systems and solves digestive problems so they can enjoy better health.
Provides the nutritional needs necessary to enhance the health of pregnant and adult cats in general.
Delicious and distinctive taste.
You can get the product now through the Petit store with the following link "from here".
Royal Canin dry food for adult cats
It provides the healthy nutrition elements your pet needs.
It helps your cat maintain its weight during pregnancy.
It contains balanced amounts of natural vitamins, minerals and proteins necessary to enhance the health of cats.
You can get the product now simply with the Petit store "from here".
Royal Canin dry skin and hair care food for adult cats
The product is specifically designed to support your pet's health and provide him with the necessary nutrition.
This food provides your cat with the necessary oils and fatty acids, as well as the vitamins it needs for healthy growth.
You can get the product now through the following link "from here".
Chicken Applaws is dry food for adult cats
The product does not contain artificial preservation materials, but rather contains a group of natural antioxidants.
It contains a selection of the most important natural substances beneficial to the body; The most prominent of which are natural omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
It helps your cat enjoy great fur, as well as supporting healthy skin and digestive and urinary tract health.
You can get the product now through the following link "from here".
What are you waiting for?.. Get now all the care products for your pregnant cat through the Petit store, as it is the perfect place to buy pet products at the best prices in the Kingdom.
Read also: Causes of cat hair loss

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