Dealing with frightened cats can be somewhat difficult, so many people are searching for how to deal with frightened cats; Considering that understanding cat behavior and providing them with appropriate support is the best solution to gain their trust, so through the following article we will learn more about the behavior of frightened cats and how to deal with it, while presenting the most important tips for dealing with frightened cats.
How to deal with frightened cats
We now present to you how to deal with frightened cats by showing you some steps that will give you your pet’s trust and remove any barrier between you:
Creating a safe environment: The first way to gain your pet's trust; It is to provide him with a safe environment, by providing a quiet haven in which he can be comfortable.
Spend more time with them: Scaredy cats will need some time from you, during which you will play with them and interact gently to relieve anxiety and remove barriers between you.
Providing food and drink: Cats are pets that can gain their trust simply by providing the food they prefer, especially those foods full of protein such as chicken, meat, and cooked fish.
Avoid sudden movements: You should also avoid making any sudden movement; Because cats consider these sudden movements a threat to them; Which increases her anxiety.
Avoid raising your voice: You should deal with frightened cats very calmly, so do not raise your voice when dealing with them; Rather, use calm maintenance to help her trust you more.
How to understand cat behavior
In order to learn how to deal with frightened cats; You must first understand her behavior more, and you can do this by focusing on the following things:
Voice: Understanding the sounds that cats make is one of the most important factors that helps you understand your pet better, as there are some sounds that express anger, and other sounds that express love and a sense of security; Like purring.
Eye language: Cats also have eye language that expresses what they feel, as their feeling of comfort and security is expressed through slow eye movements, while widening the eyes and staring at something; This may express discomfort or excitement, and perhaps a feeling of discomfort in the face of danger.
Body language: Understanding cats’ body language is ideal for dealing with them, as the movements of the tail, ears, and body in general express many things; This is what we will learn about in the following lines.
Signs of fear in body language in cats
As we knew before, how to deal with frightened cats is closely related to recognizing body language and reading its signs; So we now learn about the most important signs that express fear in cats:
Ear movements
When cats feel afraid, they will notice unusual movements in their ears; Such as her ears being tilted back at head level, as this sign expresses fear, and sometimes even the desire to attack; In this case, it is preferable not to approach her, but rather use some things that calm her down; Such as offering her favorite food and rewards, as well as providing her with some calm and comfort so that she feels safe.
Tail movements
Shrinkage and folding of the tail are also among the most important signs that express tension and a feeling of fear in cats. Cats can also raise their tail straight; This is an expression of fear and the desire to attack.
Body movements
As for body movements in general; When cats are afraid, they may not be able to control their movements; For example; You may make sudden movements and try to escape from one place to another, specifically hiding under seats

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