How to feed kittens concerns all cat breeders; Especially those who are raising them for the first time, as knowing how to feed this pet may be difficult at first; But by learning about the steps for feeding cats that we guide you through the following lines, it will not be difficult after today!..
In the following article, let us learn about the steps for feeding kittens, and we will also review the best cat feeding products in the Kingdom.
How to feed kittens
Below we review together the method of feeding kittens, and the most prominent stages of cats receiving proper nutrition:
Breast milk: Breast milk should be the first choice for kittens after birth and until the age of 4 to 8 weeks; During this period, cats need the beneficial natural elements found in breast milk.
Choosing the appropriate alternative milk: If breast milk is not available; You can purchase alternative milk intended for feeding kittens; With the need to stay away from the milk that we use as humans in the markets; Because it is not suitable for the nature of the cat’s digestive system during this young age stage
Monitoring the amount of milk: If kittens do not receive mother’s milk; The solution here is based on their intake of the designated milk; In this case, the amount of milk given to them must be monitored; So they should get a moderate amount of milk; Because getting too much food at this young age may harm their digestive system.
How to obtain milk: You must rely on a feeding bottle designated for cats; It is necessary to provide the milk straight, "like a mother", or by tilting the bottle in a way that helps cats consume it without effort.
Abdominal massage: sometimes; Kittens need some massage exercises that help them digest better, and which are done gently to improve bowel movement.
Important tips for feeding kittens
After reviewing how to feed kittens step by step; Now we present to you some tips that must be followed to help your kittens enjoy good health:
Type of products: First, care must be taken to provide products rich in healthy elements; This is after the end of the stage of relying solely on milk, the "weaning stage", after which the cat begins to discover more dry and wet foods.
Cat age: When it comes to nutrition; The age of kittens must be taken into account, as care must be taken to end the cat’s breastfeeding within 4 to 8 weeks after birth; Then begins the stage of introducing other healthy elements into his daily nutritional program.
Number of times you eat: The number of times kittens eat depends on their age; Since kittens from birth to two weeks need to eat every 2 to 3 hours, while this frequency can be reduced to every four to six hours from the age of two to four weeks.
Consult a doctor: You should also consult a specialist veterinarian regarding cases of kittens after birth, which may require special care.
These were the most important tips and how to feed kittens perfectly in their early stages; Now let's learn more about the type of food you can offer them.
What do month-old cats eat?
We will now review the most important elements that kittens can obtain that are completely safe for their health during the age of one month:
Dry food: During this age, some types of dry food can be provided to kittens; A company that this food is suitable for a month old; So that it is easy for her to chew.
Wet food: You can also rely on some types of wet foods for cats; Such as those offered by Petit Store, which contain a selection of nutrients that cats at this age need.
You can also rely on household items rich in protein; Such as meat, chicken, and cooked fish, all of which are rich in protein and can be relied upon mainly in the diet of kittens.
Best dry foods for kittens
We offer you the best dry foods that you can get at Petit Store, which are:
Hills dry chicken food for kittens
It contains a series of natural elements rich in benefits, which can help kittens grow perfectly.
This food product is 100% natural and safe for the health of kittens, as it increases their immunity and makes their health better.
It contains vitamins that improve hair growth and improve skin condition.
You can get the product now "from here".
Hills dry chicken food for sterilized kittens
In addition to its delicious taste; This food is also rich in important natural elements for sterilized cats that they need for quick recovery.
It does not contain taste enhancers, and it supports the rapid growth of kittens.
It contains a group of essential minerals that support healthy bones and teeth, and also improves the condition of hair and skin.
You can get the product now "from here".
Best wet foods for kittens
Now we learn about the best wet food products offered to kittens through the Petit store.
Riqalus tuna jelly envelopes for kittens
Delicious tuna toppings add more deliciousness to their daily eating routine and make them feel happy and want to eat their daily dishes.
These envelopes are 100% safe and natural.
It contains extracts of natural elements rich in benefits.
You can get the product now "from here".
How to feed kittens can be difficult at first; but with Petit Shop you won't feel as hard eating them anymore..
Start now by getting the best kitten feeding products on the market through the Petit store; Enjoy the highest quality and best prices in the Kingdom..

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