Thousands of cat breeders wonder how to train kittens on the sandbox, this litter box that is considered a special bathroom for cats, as the process of training cats on the bathroom is a difficult process.Especially if the cats are old, but the younger the training is; The easier the training process is، So in the following article, we will learn together about training methods and the most important tips for training cats on the liter box smoothly.
How to train kittens on a sandbox
If you want to learn how to train kittens on a sandbox; Now we guide you to the most important training steps that must be taken during the stages of training cats to use the liter box.
Purchasing the appropriate sandbox: First, the appropriate type of sandbox is purchased, as it must be appropriate in terms of size, depth, and type of sand used.
Introducing the cat to the box: The next step comes; It is the step of introducing kittens to the box, by pulling the cat towards the box, or placing it inside this box so that it can simply explore it and use it when needed.The cats’ instinct leads them to carry out excretion operations inside the sand.
Cat training: Then comes the training stage, which is done by taking the cat to the sandbox at the times when he is likely to excrete it, which is mostly after eating and after getting up from sleep.
Providing rewards: In the end, you must pay attention to providing rewards to your pet if he performs the excretion process inside the liter box, by presenting the cat’s trit to him so that he knows that the behavior he has performed is correct.
When do kittens learn to go to the bathroom?
After reviewing how to train kittens on a sandbox; You may wonder about the possibility of cats entering the bathroom for the excretion process, as this is common among a large group of cats; But it needs to be trained for at least 6 months, taking care to have patience; Because kittens do not fully know the correct behaviors they have to do; She acts instinctively، Therefore, it may be difficult for her to enter the bathroom except after hard training.
This is why it may be easier to buy a liter box, because as we mentioned before, the cat instinct leads them to carry out excretions in the sand.
You can get the best liter box now through the Petit store, which provides you with the best sandboxes for cats of the highest quality.
What are the optimal specifications of the liter box?
How to train kittens on a sandbox will require you to choose the ideal box, so that we can learn together the most important specifications of this box:
Box size: The sandbox should be chosen in the appropriate size, so that it is neither too small nor too large; It should only be of moderate size, taking into account the number of cats in the house.
Type: You must choose the type of sandbox that is best on the market; Because this piece will be an integral part of the cat’s daily life, and therefore attention must be paid to its quality so that it does not break easily, so you are forced to buy an alternative to it.
Letterbox depth: The letterbox must also have a great depth, so as not to cause sand to scatter outside.Which spoils the cleanliness of the house.
Also make sure to choose the appropriate location to place the sandbox, which prefers to be an open and quiet place.So that it does not cause any kind of inconvenience to you at home.
How do I know that the cat wants to relieve himself?
You can know that the cat wants to relieve himself through some signs, which are:
Drilling: The cat’s instinct in the excretion process is to dig sand.So you may notice that the cat performs a drilling process with his hands to carry out the excretion process.
Squatting: A cat sitting in a squatting position may also be evidence that the cat wants to urinate, in which case it should be directed directly to the litter box to perform this procedure.
Meow: When a cat meows and makes sudden movements; This may mean that he wants to alert you that the litter box does not exist or that the place where he is excreting is closed or does not exist.This is an alert that many may not know, so you must ensure that the litter box is constantly in its usual place.
The best types of cat sand
How to train kittens on a sandbox requires you to know the type of sand that should be presented to cats, so that we can learn together about the best types of this sand:
Formal specifications: The sand must be relatively large in size, in addition to the necessity of being coarse.So that it is easy to clean and for cats to remove it.
Manufacturing: Make sure that the sand is manufactured based on 100% natural materials.Such as recycled plants so as not to leave an unpleasant odor.
Cat sand: Make sure to buy cat sand from a reliable place.Such as the petite store, which provides you with the possibility of obtaining the best types of cat sand at the best price on the market.
The best cat sand products from the Petit store
You can now get the best cat products through the Petit store, as it offers you:
A wide choice of cat sand types with different scents and high-quality varieties.
The finest types of liter boxes, varying in sizes, depth and prices.
Cat sand perfume products so that it does not leave an unpleasant odor at home.
Come order now the finest cat and dog products through the Petit store.. This store offers you the best products at ideal prices.

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