Those who raise cats may be wondering about the signs of mating in male cats. When cats reach puberty, they show many physiological changes, and among these changes is the appearance of signs of mating. If you want to know them, continue reading today’s article with us.
What is the mating age for male cats?
Before we show you the signs of mating in male cats, we must know the appropriate age for mating between cats to occur, as this age may vary from one cat to another according to several determinants that we will discuss through the following points:
Usually, an adult cat will be 12 months old and will then be able to mate, but the overwhelming desire in males only appears during the longest days of the year. For example, summer and spring are more suitable than fall, during which the cat’s desire to mate subsides.
The cat's weight is also one of the determinants of the appropriate age for mating, but usually the signs that we will explain to you in the following lines are sufficient to indicate the cat's desire and readiness to mate with females that reach adulthood when their ages range from 4 to 8 months.
Male cats usually reach maturity between 7 and 12 months, and there are some cats whose maturity is delayed until they reach 18 months of age. Once the cat reaches maturity, signs of mating begin to appear.
During the mating stage, male cats undergo many psychological and emotional changes to express their desire to mate. Meanwhile, the owners of these cats must deal with a great deal of awareness, in order to calm them down properly.
The most prominent signs of mating in male cats
There are many behaviors observed in male cats that indicate their desire to mate, so pet cat owners must be aware of the signs of mating in male cats, so that they behave well when any of these behaviors appear. Here is a list of the most prominent of these signs:
Smell other cats and pieces of furniture to try to find the scent of female pheromones.
Inability to relax.
A cat making funny, unusual sounds is strong evidence that it wants to mate.
The emergence of hostile behaviors towards other males.
Cleaning her private parts over and over again.
Reaching a state of estrus.
Significantly decreased appetite levels.
Striving to escape from home, and male cats may make these attempts repeatedly.
A tendency towards people and other animals, meaning that the cat has aggressive behavior towards other males.
Physical changes that occur in male cats
There are many physical changes that appear in male cats. These changes are the indicator that cat owners should pay attention to because they serve as an announcement of the cat’s readiness to mate. The following is an explanation of the most important signs of mating in male cats from a physical perspective:
With the advent of spring, adult male cats reach the stage of estrus, and then they develop an intense desire to mate, which is reflected in their motor activity, which increases significantly, and it is possible that some of their reproductive organs may become enlarged at that time.
In addition to the physical changes we mentioned, males become more active and intensely search for females ready to mate. To do so, they may begin spraying urine to spread their scent in an attempt to announce their presence to female cats.
The cat may scratch the floors with his claws, and this behavior comes as an attempt to alert female cats to his presence. Scratching is a clear visual sign of the male’s desire to mate, in contrast to spraying urine, which may be the result of a problem with the cat’s urinary tract.
What should a cat owner do when signs of mating appear?
Perhaps the most important question now is how the cat owner behaves when these signs appear. Does he have to rush to meet the cat’s need to mate? Or will he rely on the cat's distraction? This is what we will answer through the following lines:
Naturally, it is recommended to quickly search for females to meet the needs of male cats, but after introducing the cats to each other, the cat owner will not be able to do anything, because only the cat can allow the cat to approach her, and sometimes she may refuse to do so.
While searching for a cat that will allow the male to mate, the cat owner will need to distract him, in order to reduce the state of stress he is experiencing. This can be achieved by providing some food items such as catnip, which reduces the intensity of this desire.
The cat owner must also devote more time to playing with the cat, cleaning his litter box, securing the surrounding environment around him to prevent him from escaping and harming himself, or using one of the tranquilizers available in the Petit store.
What are the harms of ignoring male cats' desire to mate?
As we have indicated, it is necessary for the cat owner to be attentive to the signs of mating in male cats, and he must also know that ignoring and overlooking this desire will result in many problems for the cat, and these problems are as follows:
Increased secretion of testosterone, which causes the cat to reach dangerous levels of violent behavior.
Stones form in the urethra because the cat sprays urine all over the house. This harms the cat and at the same time causes the house to emit unpleasant odors and grow germs.
This was the most prominent information we had regarding the signs of mating in male cats. We explained to you the most prominent of these signs, and we also touched on some of the behaviors that begin to appear in males at that period, in addition to knowing the ideal way to deal with a cat if it shows these signs.

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