Symptoms of liver disease in cats

Symptoms of liver disease in cats

Oct 03, 2024

Liver health is one of the most important vital factors to ensure optimal health for cats, so when a cat is afflicted with a disease; You may find that it is unusual, and perhaps the symptoms of liver disease in cats and the treatment of this disease are among the most important questions that concern pet owners, so through the following article we will learn together about the most important symptoms of the liver, and methods of treatment and prevention of this disease that affects many cat species.
Symptoms of liver disease in cats
The symptoms of liver disease in cats may be diverse, or they may be non-specific, but in general, the common symptoms of liver disease in cats are:
Loss of appetite: A cat losing its appetite and losing a lot of weight are among the most prominent symptoms of liver disease.
Vomiting: If you notice repeated vomiting, in addition to it occurring suddenly, this may indicate that it is a sign of liver disease.
Increased thirst: The rate of drinking water increases in cats if they suffer from liver disease, and the rate of urination also increases, but this symptom may not be proof of infection, because cats may feel thirsty and urinate frequently.
Poor psychological state: As is the custom of cats that tend to isolate themselves and their psychological state worsens when they contract a disease; This is also what happens when cats develop liver disease, as they notice signs of depression and perhaps nervousness when approached.
Diarrhea: Cats may also experience diarrhea, due to the instability of their digestive system.
Abdominal bloating: The abdomen swells significantly if it has liver problems, and it is one of the main signs of poor liver condition and enlargement.
These were the most prominent symptoms of liver disease in cats, and now we will discuss learning more about the steps of treatment and prevention.
Treatment of hepatitis in cats
Hepatitis in cats is a disease that requires immediate intervention by a veterinarian, so that the cat receives appropriate treatment, and thus his health condition improves.
We now learn about the steps to treat liver infections in cats:
Accurate diagnosis: Before starting the treatment journey; An accurate diagnosis must be carried out by the specialist veterinarian, through a clinical examination and the necessary x-rays to identify the condition of the liver and detect how bad it is, in order to determine the appropriate treatment plan.
Drug treatment: The next step is drug treatment, using anti-inflammatory medications, in addition to anti-infective drugs, and sometimes the doctor may use some supplements that support liver health.
Changing diets: The liver treatment journey is not limited to drug treatment only, but it also depends on changing diets, such as relying on low-fat foods, as well as foods that contain more healthy elements, which helps reduce the burden on the liver and enjoy Good health faster.
Home care: During the treatment journey, you must provide supportive home

care, which depends on paying attention to providing all comfort factors for your pet, such as providing food and drink and providing medications on time, while being careful to keep sources of inconvenience away from it.
Periodic follow-up: Periodic follow-up must be carried out; Even if you feel that improvement has begun, follow-up is the second half of the success of the treatment plan, and you must pay attention to it to ensure complete treatment for your pet.
Following the previous steps will help your pet enjoy good health, especially if you pay attention to all the details mentioned in the treatment plan.

Do cats recover from liver disease permanently?
The appearance of symptoms of liver disease in cats is not sufficient to determine whether the disease can be completely cured or not, as it depends on:
Type of disease.
Degree of injury.
Date of receiving treatment.
It is common that simple cases of liver disease may be treated permanently without leaving a long-term health impact, especially if treated quickly, as cats in this case will respond quickly and fully recover from the disease; This in turn restores liver function to normal.
On the other hand; When the liver condition is chronic, or treatment is delayed; This may make the treatment journey more difficult, as cats can remain under long medical care to ensure that the health condition is managed and their quality of life improves, and in general cats can recover; But on the condition that she is treated quickly and given comprehensive care.
Is liver disease in cats contagious?
Many cat breeders wonder about liver disease, and whether it is actually a contagious disease or not.
In fact, liver disease in cats is not contagious, meaning it is not transmitted between cats, while the causes that lead to the disease are contagious; Such as viruses and parasites that lead to infection with this disease, so it is important for sick cats to remain isolated after liver disease is detected in cats, and during the stages of receiving treatment.
How do you keep cats healthy?
As we mentioned in the steps for treating liver disease, a balanced diet is one of the important steps for your pet’s health, as you can consult your veterinarian to obtain a balanced and healthy diet.
You can now find all healthy cat foods with the highest quality and healthy ingredients through the "Bitit Store", in addition to the ability to find all the nutritional supplements you are looking for.
The store is interested in providing a remarkable variety of food products that it offers to your pet. It also provides the best goods at competitive prices and irresistible offers, and is also interested in providing high smoothness in the journey of purchasing and paying online through the online store.
Do not hesitate, and start taking care of your pet now with Petit Store, as it is an integrated store that provides all pet supplies with the highest quality and best prices.

Read also: Diseases caused by cats

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