Have you ever wondered why cats run madly and have sudden activity Don't worry; your cat is not the only one who makes these movements that may be strange a lot of times, because these behaviors are common among cats and there are a lot of secrets behind them, so through the following article we will learn together the secrets of sudden running cats, as well as identify the causes of strange activity that happens to cats a lot of times.
The reason why cats run madly
The reason why cats run madly may be due to many things, which are both:
Stored energy: storing energy and not doing daily activities, such as running, playing, hunting, may be one of the most important things that cause sudden running in cats.
Entertainment: Entertainment may also be one of the most important reasons for making sudden movements, such as running, jogging and other methods by which cats express their desire to play and amuse their time.
External stimuli: when the cat sees an insect, bird or other animal, these are called "external stimuli", which stimulate the cat to run; either for the purpose of hunting, for the purpose of playing, or perhaps because of fear and anxiety.
Brain stimulation: running fast is one of the most important ways to stimulate the brain and mental activation in cats, as this pet may sometimes do this behavior to activate the mind and get more energy.
This behavior is considered one of the normal and normal behaviors that are done by cats, perhaps for no apparent reasons, and this may happen temporarily; so there is no need to worry about this behavior.
The reason for the sudden activity of cats
The sudden activity of cats in general may have many reasons behind it; as we mentioned before, excess energy, play, Entertainment and external stimuli; all factors lead to this excessive activity; including sudden running, in addition to many movements such as hiding fast, or scratching and biting to various degrees; all of them are related to each other and there is no worry about them.
There is no doubt that cats ' sudden activity may also occur for the purpose of social interaction, sometimes you may be distracted from your pet; and to try to catch your eye, the cat may try to make strange and sudden movements in order to play with him and pay attention to him again, all you just have to observe the behavior and how it happens and try to contain this behavior and deal with it in the best way.
The reason why cats quarrel with each other
Do you suffer from frequent cat fights in your home
This is quite common among breeders of a number of cats in one place, the reasons for which can be:
Competition: cats like to compete and dominate where they are, and often some cats are more dominant and even more aggressive than other cats, so you need to try to contain this behavior and train the most aggressive cats to calm behaviors.
Stress and anxiety: when cats feel anxious and stressed, they think about doing some aggressive behaviors, and if you raise more than one cat in the same place, this in turn contributes to increasing the quarrel between them, especially in the event of changes in the environment around them, such as moving something from its place, or changing the house and moving to a new place.
Mating season: during the mating season you may notice an increased quarrel of cats between each other, this is quite normal and does not express anything except the desire to mate.
Excessive interaction: some cats are more active than other cats, so their presence in one place may increase the chance of fighting, because cats with excessive activity may form a kind of nuisance to other cats, and therefore this increases the chance of disagreement between them.
As for how to deal with a cat fight, this is done through training; preferably, the breeding process should be done from a young age, because merging big cats with each other may not be a good option, especially at first; it will result in a lot of fighting.
Why cats run after their owners
Running Cats after their owners may occur as a result of the following things:
Play: if you have an active and fun-loving cat, running after you may be one of the ways to get attention and play with you, which is normal and not scary at all, because the cat in this case will not hurt you.
Annoyance: the cat may try to run after you in case of annoyance, as the cat goes crazy in case of doing behavior that annoys her; of course, this aggressive behavior does not apply to all cats; because they mostly run away and hide.
Motivation: because cats, by nature, love chasing and hunting; your chasing behavior may be one of the motivating behaviors for them everywhere; this reflects how active and energetic they are.
These were the natural causes that may lead to cats running after their owners, so the need of cats and their natural behaviors should be checked; because doing this behavior excessively may have other connotations that should be known by the competent veterinarian.
The best bonuses for cats in training
After checking why the cats are running madly and starting the stages of training your cat to obedience; now comes the stage of rewards, those that are given to the cat in case of good training and obedience to orders; so we learn about the best rewards that you can buy for your pet through the pet store.
Karnilov's crispy chicken snack is suitable for all ages of cats
This bonus is one of the Light bonuses that you can give to your pet and you will ensure his love for her, the rewards have a delicious taste and are suitable for all ages, you can get them now through the following link "from here".
You can get even more rewards through the Pettit store, which provides many pet care products at the best prices and the highest quality on the market.
Also read: Why cats ' behavior changes and sudden violence

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