In the world of pets, you will find that cat and dog insects are among the things that most cause concern that may reach the point of inconvenience to their breeders, as cats and dogs are exposed in their age stages to infection with insects of different types, and we find that these cat insects are due to many reasons, the most prominent of which is the lack of access to methods.Prevention and treatment, so in the following article we will guide you on everything related to insects in cats, their causes and treatment، We also show you the best cat products that the Petit store offers specifically for your pet.
Causes of cat insects
Cats are exposed to insect infestation due to multiple causes.Let us review together the most prominent causes of cat insects:
Infection: Cats may be exposed to insect infestation as a result of contact with another animal infected with types of insects.Transmission occurs quickly.
Failure to follow hygiene measures: When cats live in an unclean environment; Like the street, you will find them infected with insects as a result of being in an unclean environment.
Failure to follow prevention methods: When methods of preventing infection with insect species are not followed; Your pet may get it simply and faster.
Lack of attention to the cat’s health: Some of the health conditions that the cat is exposed to may make it more susceptible to insect infestation quickly.
In short, the previous causes may lead to cats being exposed to types of insects, which affect public health and may pose a threat to the health of your pet.
Symptoms of cat insects
After reviewing the causes of cat insects; Together we learn about the most important symptoms that reveal that your pet is infected with insects:
Skin irritation and itching.
You may notice that your cat has lost hair in many areas of the body.
Cats also show signs of lethargy, due to anemia caused by these insects.
You may also notice your pet losing appetite.
The appearance of some black marks on the hair and skin; But it is so precise that it does not appear until you focus on it.
You will also notice an increase in the cat licking his hair; Because he seeks to clean himself of insects, he increasingly performs this process.
What types of insects infect cats?
We now review the most famous types of cat insects; Those insects that may also infect dogs as a result of exposure to the same conditions of infection:
Fleas are considered one of the most famous types of insects that infect pets.They are insects that live inside cat fur.It affects them negatively.You may not notice the presence of fleas until after a deep concentration in the cat’s skin.But it may be noticeable that there are some black dots the size of a grain of salt present on some parts of the cat’s body.These grains may be flea eggs, or they may also be flea feces، It is one of the most famous signs of detection of cats being infected.
Cats being infected with ticks is one of the common infections, as ticks are spider insects that are oval in shape.Ticks are usually small in size.Because it may grow as blood is absorbed, and here you can notice its presence on your pet’s body more, as it grows and moves on the skin to obtain more food all the time.
Lice are insects that infect animals and humans as well; They are a small insect of precise size, feeding primarily on blood and holding on to hair greatly; So you may notice its presence when you focus on styling your pet's hair.
There is no doubt that moths are one of the famous insects in the world of pets that can be seen with the naked eye.This insect belongs to the spider family, as it has an oval-shaped body and eight legs, and can be observed with the naked eye.
Medicine to treat cat diseases
If you are looking for a medicine to treat cat diseases; Or rather, a medicine to treat cat insects; Now we offer you how to purchase this treatment based on a set of criteria:
Type of insects: You should identify the type of insects that infect your pet based on the specifications mentioned in the article.
Type of treatment: There are many pet treatments; Including topical treatment or oral tablets, as well as the daily hygiene that the pet gets.
Environmental pesticides: Attention must be paid to using environmental pesticides in the journey of protecting and protecting pets, by relying on insecticides that are used in open places such as gardens and on rooftops.
What are the most important pet care supplies?
There are many pet care supplies you should have if you are raising cats or dogs; Let's review together the most important of these supplies:
Hair shampoo: Hair care shampoo, this product responsible for cleaning hair strands and roots, should be used.Which you can buy today in the highest quality through the Petit store via the following link "here".
Eye Care Products: Cat eye cleaning and care also have special supplies, which you can find today in the highest quality through the Petit store via the following link "here".
Sandbox: Care must be taken to acquire a high-quality sandbox responsible for collecting waste in one place.
Vitamins: Vitamins are considered one of the most important cat care supplies, which can improve overall health and give them more activity and vitality.
Bathing supplies: Cat bathing and nail trimming supplies are also among the most important items that you should pay attention to purchasing if you are a pet groomer.
You can now get the best cat care supplies through the Petit store, which offers you a variety of cat supplies at the best prices and with high quality.So that you can get all your purchases with high offers and discounts.

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