Who is accustomed to raising pets; Especially raising dogs, it may be observed that types of dog insects spread throughout the year, specifically in the summer.There are many types of insects that may grow between a dog’s hair and many damages may occur to it, so if you are a dog breeder; You must identify the types of insects that your pet may be exposed to, so we explain to you how to get rid of these insects smoothly and quickly.
Types of dog insects
Below we learn about the types of dog insects, those insects that may directly harm your pet if the pet is not given a quick treatment to get rid of them.Let's review the most important of these insects:
Fleas are considered one of the most famous types of insects that a pet may be exposed to, as they are a type of insect that lives in various areas of the animal’s body.The most prominent of which is the head area and around the tail, as well as hiding in the thigh area.These insects penetrate the skin and cause redness and itching, and over time they may lead to pet hair loss if appropriate treatment is not obtained to get rid of them.
The tick insect is considered one of the blood-sucking insects, as it sticks to the skin excessively to obtain its food through it.Perhaps the most important thing that poses a danger to your pet when exposed to ticks is: This insect reproduces very quickly, and the female can lay approximately three thousand eggs at a time; Therefore, it must be disposed of immediately as soon as it is noticed on the pet’s skin or symptoms of its presence are noticed، These symptoms include (itching, loss of appetite, emaciation and weakness, inability to carry out his daily activities perfectly).
This insect is one of the most prominent types of insects responsible for infecting dogs with scabies.This disease leads to itching, sensitivity, irritation, and swelling.The matter may develop into the appearance of scales, pus, and other developments that affect the pet’s skin.
Mosquitoes and mosquitoes
There is no doubt that mosquitoes and mosquitoes are common insects that may cause negative effects on the pet’s skin, such as the fact that they bite it, which affects the condition of the skin and causes it to immediately flush.When the dog is in a place full of mosquitoes; This may cause him immediate itching and the matter may develop into him feeling disturbed and uncomfortable in the place, and this shows unusual behaviors.
The pet can also be bitten by some flying insects.Such as bees or wasps, those bites that may expose him to high temperature and diarrhea, and they may also cause him to drop his blood pressure and vomit.
How to get rid of dog insects
Getting rid of dog insects is not as difficult as you think; But he needs to have the following things:
You must have sufficient experience to identify the type of dog insects, in order to give them the ideal treatment.
Having the necessary medical tools to get rid of insects; This results from the previous matter, which is knowing the type of insects to use the correct tool or treatment to remove them.
The appropriate dose for the type and age of the pet must also be identified, in order for it to continue receiving treatment properly in order to completely get rid of the insects.
Even if you do not have sufficient experience; Visiting a specialist veterinarian is certainly an ideal step, especially if you take this step early as soon as the aftershocks of insect problems appear in your pet.The periodic examination to follow up on your pet will be a quick lifeline to obtain all means of prevention and treatment for the problem he suffers from, and it will inform you of the dog supplies you need on your care trip.
Flying dog insects and their dangers
Types of flying dog insects may lead to a group of health problems for your pet.Perhaps the most prominent of them:
Skin infections: Flying insects cause the pet to suffer from many skin problems, most notably infections and immediate redness.
Hair loss: Flying insects may cause dog hair to fall out if not eliminated quickly.
Uncomfortable: The dog will feel uncomfortable if exposed to flying insects; Because it walks on the skin in an annoying manner, which makes it repeatedly itch and irritate; This is of course an annoying feeling that may change the dog's usual behavior.
Do dog insects transmit to humans?
Of course, dog insects may infect humans; Especially ticks, as ticks are insects that are transmitted to mammals quickly, so dogs must be treated quickly and be careful not to become infected with ticks.It may also cause you skin inflammation, itching, and temporary redness when infected, and you may get treatment as a result.
How to get rid of insects in dogs at home?
Getting rid of dog insects at home is smooth, especially if you follow the following steps:
Hygiene: You must follow all personal hygiene methods for your pet, from bathing and cleaning the hair and skin, to changing its sleeping bed, and taking care to clean everything your dog uses throughout the day.
Treatment: Obtaining appropriate treatment is according to the type of insect it infects, as the dog gets treatment to repel insects and another to get rid of the effects of itching and inflammation that may have caused them.The dog also gets preventive measures to prevent it from contracting it again.
Follow-up: You can also go to follow up on the dog’s condition with the veterinarian, who examines it and takes the necessary measures for treatment and prevention.
You can obtain all small and large dog supplies of all kinds through the Petite store, as it is the ideal haven to buy all pet supplies in the Kingdom, as it offers you a variety of products at ideal prices!
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