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What are the types of cats and their shapes in pictures?

Jan 08, 2024

Cats are one of the most common and popular pets all over the world. They are also beautiful and charming creatures. Cat types vary in size, shape, color, behaviors and country of origin. Today we will get to know some of the most famous types.

What are the most popular types of cats?

There are many types of cats, and each type has advantages, disadvantages, and its own name. You can get all the supplies for all types of cats from Petit Store. Some of the most famous types of cats are the following:

Siamese cats

Siamese cats are characterized by their thin body, with a long, thin tail, short hair, and blue eyes that resemble almonds. They appear as if they are wearing a mask on their faces, and their heads are shaped like a triangle. Siamese cats are known to be sensitive and sharp in nature, and their reaction cannot be predicted, but they are one of the most social and emotional types. They make loud noises to attract attention.
Its advantages
Affectionate and loyal to their owners.
They love being with their owners constantly.
Lively and active most of the time.
Friendly and loves children.
It doesn't need much care.
Very clean.
Its flaws
They are difficult to train.
Very noisy and makes loud noises.
You need a lot of games.
Gets bored quickly and needs stimulation.

Persian cats

This type has thick, soft hair like silk. It also has a small, broad nose that is not prominent in the face, wide colored eyes, short feet with a wide palm, a plump body, and a broad forehead. In addition, it is calm and non-aggressive, and this is what makes it one of the best types of domestic cats.
Its types
Persian cats have fixed colors such as white, red, black, and blue with orange eyes.
Persian cats have many colors, but the color of their eyes varies according to the color of their hair. It is possible for the cat to be white with black dots, and the color of the Persian cat may be black tending to gray or yellow.
Persian cats come in many different colors, including gray and brown or blue and orange.
Its advantages
Fun and loves to play.
Very affectionate and loves to lie in the arms of its owners.
Social and gets along with other pets.
Very clean and cleans itself constantly.
She loves children and deals with them well.
Available in a variety of very beautiful shapes.
Easy to train.
Does not attack anyone and is not aggressive.
Its flaws
They need constant care due to their long fur to prevent it from getting tangled.
More susceptible to infestation by annoying insects such as fleas.
You are difficult to please when it comes to food.

Turkish Van Cats

This type is classified as one of the strong types of cats, as it has a rectangular body, muscular shoulders, a long nose with a tip, an erect, colorful head, and large ears with pink hair on the inside, round yellow eyes, a thick, hairy tail that tends to be red, and thick, soft hair that is white. .
Its advantages
Kindness and friendliness.
Activity, vitality and fun.
Proficiency in dealing with other pets.
Love the water and be able to swim.
Enjoy good health, and have no genetic problems.
Easy to train.
Its flaws
Do not prefer cuddling.
They cause disasters when left alone for long periods.
She is not good at dealing with small children

Manx cats

This species is known for being very skilled at hunting, as it does not have a tail. It is characterized by the presence of light hair on top, long hair on the bottom, and thick hair on the legs. Its back feet are longer than its front feet. The Manx cat has a long nose, wide, round ears, and round eyes that are the same color as its hair.
Its advantages
very smart.
Very fun.
They like to play in the water, unlike other species.
They are easy to train and respond quickly to commands.
Quiet and does not cause disturbance or noise.
Its flaws
She is curious, so important things must be kept away from her so as not to ruin them.
She suffers from a spinal problem known as Manx Syndrome, which can be treated.

Abyssinian cats

Abyssinian cats are characterized by a light copper hair color at the beginning and a dark red stripe at the end. They also have short, dense hair like a rabbit. This type has a long, slender body and a long tail, in addition to large, more innocent eyes that are green or yellow in color.
Its advantages
It does not require much care because it cleans itself.
Fun and has high energy levels.
A good friend of children and other pets.
Its flaws
It needs a lot of attention and time to play and exercise.
These cats do not like to be cuddled.
Not suitable for breeding in small areas.
Savannah cats

Savannah cats are known for their tall and slender body, and the size of this type of cat depends greatly on its generation and gender.
Its advantages
Playful and loves its owners.
She has a high level of intelligence.
She loves to play and water.
Easy to clean and care for.
Its flaws
It can cause damage to many things in the house because it has high energy.
Expensive because it is a rare breed.
It is a fairly new breed and has been domesticated like other types of domestic cats.
Scary because it's so tall.
They are wild because they have the hunting instinct.
Birman cats

This type of cat is of French origin and is characterized by having soft, long, but light silky hair. It has blue eyes and dark spots on the face, ears, legs and tail, with snow-white paws.
Its advantages
Very affectionate and lovable cats.
Flexible and obedient to orders.
Quick to learn tricks and tricks.
Gets along well with other pets.
Its flaws
She gains weight easily.
Do not leave it alone for long periods of time because it is very destructive.
Egyptian Mau cats

This type is classified as a type of small short-haired cat, and has spots of different colors on its body. It is also one of the fastest domestic cats because it has long hind legs and reaches a speed of 48 kilometers per hour.
Its advantages
Smart and active cats.
It has strong bonds with its owners.
It doesn't need much care.
Suitable for families with school-age children.
Gets along easily with pets.
Its flaws
Rare cats and not available in abundance.
She has common health problems such as cardiomyopathy.
The need for large homes to possess increased activity and vitality.

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