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What do street cats eat? The best types of food for street cats

Jan 08, 2024

Street cats lack a healthy, balanced diet because they are helpless in finding the right food for them. Despite this, they have the right to receive appropriate care and nutrition to greatly improve their health and well-being, and it is their right that we must provide that for them. But what do street cats eat? We will answer this question in today's article. So read on.

What do street cats eat?

Street cats depend on a variety of unhealthy sources to obtain food, mainly food left in garbage or waste, and among these sources are the following:
Hunting insects, birds and animals
Street cats feed on hunting insects, birds, reptiles, and small mammals, because they have sharp teeth and claws that help them catch and kill their prey. Among the things that street cats feed on are mice, rabbits, squirrels, and rats, and these animals are famous for their presence in urban areas. They are considered The primary source of food for cats.
Garbage and human food
Street cats always search for their food in garbage cans and waste. They find leftover human food, such as meat or chicken, knowing that this food does not meet the nutritional needs of these cats and causes them many health problems.
Carrion is the remains of dead animals. When cats encounter carrion in the streets, they feed on it to satisfy their hunger. However, this type of food poses a threat to the health of cats because these dead animals may be sick and transmit the disease to street cats.
Street cats overcome thirst by drinking rainwater, street puddles, or unclean water sources, in order to survive, especially in the summer and hot weather.

How do you know that street cats are not getting proper nutrition?

After we learned about what street cats eat, we must explain to you that there are several signs that appear on street cats that show you that they do not get proper healthy nutrition, and these signs are as follows:
Slim and lean body
The thin and emaciated body of cats is one of the most common signs of malnutrition, because street cats lack sufficient food, so they are more susceptible to weight loss, the appearance of prominent bones, and a lack of muscle mass.
Dull and patchy coat
Malnourished street cats appear to have a poor coat, displaying some of the following characteristics:
Lacks shine.
Bald spots.
Lethargy and lack of energy
Street cats that do not receive sufficient nutrients appear lethargic and inactive and do not show interest in their surroundings. They also do not engage in playing or exploring behaviors like normal cats.
Slow wound healing
Whatever street cats eat, you should know that not feeding them adequately causes slow healing of wounds, even in minor injuries, because they need essential nutrients that speed up the healing process.
Dental problems
Lack or malnutrition in cats affects the health of the mouth and teeth, leading to a decrease in appetite and the following problems appear:
Bad breath.
Swollen gums.
tooth decay.
Difficulty eating.
Difficulty chewing food properly.
Digestive system problems
Digestive problems in malnourished street cats appear in the following signs:
Irregular bowel movements.
Weak immunity
Cats that are not fed properly suffer from a severely weakened immune system, as they show these signs:
Infections and diseases occur quickly.
Weak general immune response.
Frequent illnesses or long recovery periods.

How can we help street cats?

We must all ensure that we provide support and proper health care to street cats by providing the following:
Provide food and drink periodically by cleaning, cooking, and presenting it in its best condition, just as you do with house cats.
You can buy dry cat food and put it in plates in various places on the streets so that cats can find and feed themselves a healthy and balanced meal.
Make sure to provide them with a residential shelter away from high temperatures or excessive humidity.
If you notice some disease symptoms in one of the cats, take it to the veterinarian, in order to examine it and provide appropriate treatment.
Regardless of what street cats eat, it is also possible to add some vitamin drugs to the drink or wet food you provide to them, so that these cats will have energy and vitality.
Try to improve their mood and entertain them by playing with them.
Types of foods that can be given to street cats from Petite-store
There are different types of cat foods in Petite-store, ranging from dry food to wet food for young and adult cats, and among these foods are the following:
Hills dry food for adult cats, ideal weight, 2.5 kg

This type of food supports a healthy, appropriate weight, and helps to lose weight safely and effectively for adult cats suffering from obesity, because it contains probiotic fibers that facilitate the digestion process, and also gives them energy and activity, and you can order the food at a special price by clicking “here.”
Josera Grain Free Chicken Lectin Dry Food 2 kg

Josera food is one of the best types of dry food for kittens because it is free of grains such as wheat or corn. Therefore, it is suitable for cats that suffer from grain allergies. It also contains chicken, which is a major source of protein to support the healthy growth of muscles, bones, and teeth. It is manufactured from high-quality ingredients that guarantee the quality and safety of the food, and it can be obtained from “here.”
In the end, we explained to you what street cats eat? Humans must also strive to improve the living conditions of these cats and provide health care and proper food to ensure their health and well-being like house cats.

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