Many cat breeders suffer from cats urinating in non-designated places, and they are constantly looking for the causes and treatment of cats urinating everywhere, so through the following article we learn together about the real reasons behind this negative behavior, and we also touch on identifying treatment and effective training methods to get rid of this problem.
Causes and treatment of cats urinating everywhere
To live a better life with your pet, we offer you the causes and treatment of cats urinating everywhere, to help you find out the real reasons behind this behavior and find out effective treatment methods.
The causes of cats urinating everywhere
Health problems: some health problems lead to the problem of urinating in unallocated places; perhaps the most famous problems that lead to this behavior are both; urinary tract infections and bladder infections, as well as infection with stones, as well as diabetes.
Psychological problems: some cats may suffer from some psychological problems that lead to them doing this annoying behavior, and perhaps depression, anxiety and excess stress are the most important reasons that lead to doing this behavior.
Sandbox problems: some types of Sandbox are not suitable for cats, and therefore this leads cats to leave the litter in non-designated places; this also happens if the litter box is not cleaned first, or the location of this box is inconvenient.
Changing the life routine: sometimes when the cat's life routine is changed, such as being moved to a new home, this may greatly affect him, and therefore he will behave unusually, such as urinating in the wrong place.
The treatment of cats urinating everywhere
Consult a veterinarian: at first, you should consult a veterinarian to verify that the cat is healthy and that he does not have a health problem that makes him do this annoying behavior; and then, if the problem is really healthy, it will be solved immediately by getting the appropriate treatment.
Litter box cleanliness: also, attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the litter box "sandbox", as it must be cleaned first, with changing the sand and getting rid of old litter; the lack of cleanliness of the sandbox is probably the main reason why the cat urinated in the wrong place.
Enhance the feeling of security: in case of a change of place; the feeling of additional security should be enhanced for the cat; in order not to feel any kind of anxiety or stress and to have a safe and comfortable space.
Providing a healthy diet: cats need to provide a healthy and appropriate diet, and this is so that they have balanced physical and psychological health, and this diet you can get its elements simply through my shop, through which you will be able to get the balanced foods you are looking for.
The reason why male cats urinate after training
The urination of male cats after training can be both confusing and annoying at the same time; but what is the reason for this
Simply put, there are many reasons, including the health or psychological state that pushes him to do this behavior; but the most prominent reason of all is his desire to "get married".
When it comes time to mate, you will find that your pet performs many strange behaviors, including urinating anywhere; the reason behind this is to attract females, so he must be helped to mate immediately so that he does not do more annoying behaviors.
After mating, the Cats will return to their usual behaviors, such as the cat leaving the litter inside the designated sandbox and moving away from any negative behavior it was doing during the mating phase.
The danger of cat urine to humans
The danger of cat urine to humans is great, as the urine step increases in intensity on children, the elderly and pregnant women in particular, as it can cause asthma, toxoplasmosis caused by the parasite toxoplasmosis gondii.
The urine of cats contains large amounts of the element "ammonia", this element that can be present in a concentrated form if the cat has urinary tract problems, or if it does not get enough water throughout the day.
Inhalation of this element leads to irritation of the chest, it also further stimulates asthma attacks and severe coughing, and this easily affects people with weakened immunity.
Toxoplasmosis occurs as a result of the urine and feces of cats; it is more concentrated in feces, as it affects humans and poses a real danger to pregnant women and their fetuses, as it leads to miscarriage.
Toxoplasmosis can also lead to many health problems for children, including eye and ear problems, as well as spleen and liver health problems if it is not treated quickly.
Tips for training cats for pigeons
Getting to know the causes and treatment of cats urinating everywhere now leads us to the most important tips that contribute to training cats to the bathroom; those that consist in both:
Choosing the right box: you must choose the right sandbox, by getting a box that is suitable in size and breadth.
Improve the position of the litter box: the appropriate place to place the box should be chosen, such as choosing a spacious and Quiet Place.
Do not change the place of the sandbox frequently: you should install a specific place to place the sandbox, because a sudden and frequent change of the place of the box your pet may feel disoriented and may make him urinate anywhere.
You can get the best types of sandbox now through Pettit store, which offers the best types of sandboxes specifically for your pet.
Stephanblast litter box with lid for cats from stephanblast
Now get the perfect sandbox stephanplast litter box with a lid for cats from stephanplast pink/white, 58 cm long × 45 cm wide × 48 cm high; to give your pet more comfort.
Get the product now through the following link"from here".
Savich litre box for cats in the form of a corner
Now you can get the Savich litre box for cats in the form of a corner that brings your pet more comfort, with the possibility of simply transporting it to any place you want.
Get the product now through the following link"from here".
Help your pet to enjoy a healthy and safe life with Pettit store products, they are the best products ever to provide a better life for them and give them more security and happiness.
Read also: ways to deal with big cats: special needs and tips for care

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