The way to deal with big cats is somewhat different from the ways to deal with small cats, as adult cats may need more different ways; Therefore, this requires you to have more awareness to know their needs and take better care of them; So, in the following article, we will go on a short tour to learn about ways to deal with adult cats We also discuss the best tips for dealing with it and giving it more care and attention properly.
How to deal with big cats
We now learn how to deal with big cats by learning about the best ways to get used to their new home:
Give them time to explore: Cats generally need to explore new places, so give them this opportunity and do not prevent them from exploring your home; She just wants to get to know him more to feel safe.
Avoid violence: You will notice that new cats tend to hide and be in hidden corners of the house; This is normal, so do not deal with it violently and try to get it out yourself; You can just serve some favorite food and put it near her; When you smell it, you will come out of the hiding place to get food.
Gently touching: You can gently touch cats and gently pat their head and body; This is to make her feel safer and more reassured.
Use attractive toys: If the cat still feels afraid; You can use some attractive toys; These are the toys that will attract his attention and increase his desire to play and get out of his place.
Do not disturb her: If you have children or other animals that may disturb her; Be careful not to bring them close to her at this particular time; Because she is afraid and anxious; These behaviors may increase her anxiety further, and may even increase her aggressive behavior.
These were the most important methods that you can follow to make your new animal feel more comfortable and reassured; Now we will discuss how to get your cat used to you and the rest of the house effectively.
When does a cat get used to its new owner?
Getting a cat used to its new owner may take some time; Also, the way you deal with big cats may be one of the factors affecting the amount of time it takes to get more used to the home and family members.
In reality; Cats are similar to humans in terms of different temperaments, as you know that some humans are naturally social and adapt to places and people quickly; While others take time to do so, and this is exactly what you will find in cats; Some of them will adapt to you quickly, while others will take some time to do so, so it is important that you be patient and calm and do not get bored quickly; So that you can raise your pet better and get him used to practicing positive behaviors.
How does a cat get used to the new home?
The journey of getting cats used to the new home may take days, or even weeks; The most important thing is to know what things you must do at home so that your cat quickly gets used to it; Let's learn about these things together:
Preparing the house: You must prepare the house well before the arrival of the new cat, by removing anything that poses a danger to it; Such as wires connected to electricity, or toxic materials such as pesticides and other materials that pose a danger to him.
Providing a safe space: New cats need safe spaces to move more freely in your home, so you must provide that safe space that you are looking for in order to enjoy more safety.
Gradual dating: Cats need some time to

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